ITC Chairman Sanjiv Puri, gave a disaggregated view of the company's plans in a recent conversation with journalists, discussing new strategy and initiatives.

"Our future strategy for growth and competitiveness, encapsulated in ITC Next, was born out of our recognising certain undercurrents that had got accentuated during the pandemic - such as climate emergency, emerging geopolitical dynamic, digitalisation, sustainability, etc. For growth, we identified 'sustainability' and 'digitalisation' as the megatrends of the decade."

Mr Puri elaborated on multiple ITC projects that are happening at rapid speed, the 'ITC One' supply chain, digitalisation, personalisation of products, rural penetration and ITC's work to empower Indian farmers.

"We will grow the core business and use the core to address the adjacencies and also start building new categories for the future," he added.


For more details, read this Hindu BusinessLine article here :