ITC Executive Director Sumant Bhargavan said, "We now have a very large rural footprint, having widened the base with presence in 158,000 markets. There are 600,000 markets in the country and we will continue to expand our presence."

Mr Sumant added that the FMCG market is experiencing a "K-shaped recovery" with the top and bottom end of the market growing, The Economic Times article reports. The conglomerate's FMCG sales in smaller towns and villages are growing at twice the pace of urban markets due to its post-Covid strategy of increasing market coverage and number of stockists there, digitisation of the entire rural distribution network, and roll out of low unit priced packs in multiple new categories.

In fact, ITC has expanded its stockist network by 2.6 times as compared to pre-Covid period and market coverage by 1.9 times.


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