ITC Savlon #HandwashLegend

Since its inception, the Savlon Swasth India Mission by ITC has worked to inculcate good hand hygiene habits among schoolkids, reaching more than 37,000 schools across India, and over 10 million children. The Savlon Swasth India Mission recently launched Handwash Legend initiative, merging entertainment with handwashing in a partnership with Indian rap artist and hip-hop star Emiway Bantai and the kids from 'The Dharavi Dream Project', a community that mentors hip-hop talent. A fun anthem to encourage handwashing was released, turning the popular rapper gesture of 'rubbing their hands together' into a cool handwashing move. The track itself emphasises the importance of washing hands with soap and encourages kids to become 'Handwash Legends' by adopting good hand hygiene practices.

Handwash Legends resonated deeply with youth, who posted user generated content on short video platform 'Josh', marking a total duration of 26 hours with a watch time of nearly 1 million hours.