ITC's Personal Care Business ran a social experiment to explore D&I

Recently, ITC's Personal Care Products Business conducted a socialexperiment with select participants. They were asked to share their thoughts on some questions. Do listen to the video to witness the biases that we unknowingly display in our daily lives.

This short video highlights the stereotyping of roles that can creep into our collective mindset.

In line with ITC's deep commitment to D&I and inclusivepolicies, ITC's Personal Care Business is walking the talk with meaningful strides. Today, one in every two employees in science and tech in PCPB is a woman.

Overall, ITC is actively pursuing Diversity and Inclusion goals across its businesses and sustainability initiatives. All the recently commissioned Integrated Consumer Goods Manufacturing and Logistics Facilities (ICML) employ a majority of women, ranging between 50-75% of the total workforce. Today our sustainability initiatives touch the lives of 5 million women from ruralIndia.

Watch and share the video widely.

A social experiment by ITC's Personal Care Business