How ITC Hotels achieved LEED® Zero Carbon Certification?

Creating low-carbon intensity infrastructure is a crucial component for driving green growth. Building green infrastructure is a vital plank in ITC's agenda for environmental stewardship. Today ITC has built more than 40 platinum certified green buildings comprising iconic hotels, state-of-the-art factories, contemporary offices and residential buildings and a data centre.

Taking forward the green footprint, it gives us great pride that the world's first 12 hotels to be LEED® Zero Carbon certified are ITC properties.

How ITC Hotels achieved LEED® Zero Carbon Certification?

It takes a number of elements to make a hotel one that's LEED® Zero Carbon certified. To achieve this certification, a building (in this case, our hotels) must meet two requirements:

Net Zero Carbon Emissions: The building must have a net-zero carbon footprint, meaning that it produces no more greenhouse gas emissions than it offsets through the use of renewable energy sources and/or carbon credits.

Enhanced Energy Efficiency: The building must also demonstrate a high level of energy efficiency through the use of sustainable design practices and technologies.

Swipe through the image carousel to find out how multiple elements come together to make a building reach net zero carbon emissions and become highly energy efficient.