An innovative print campaign from Classmate by ITC

Classmate by ITC recently launched an innovative QR-led print activation, that took readers into an AR world crafted by Classmate! The campaign opened up a unique back-to-school experience with the simple scanning of the QR code. The print advertisement was the gateway to a vibrant augmented reality experience for consumers, leading to an immersive and exciting space where they could explore the features and products of the brand.

Even before the print campaign was unveiled, Classmate ran a pre-hype initiative featuring CGI visuals showcasing its origami and AR notebooks in a larger-than-life presentation. This video racked up over 15 million views, generating immense anticipation for the big print release day.

The response to the print campaign was phenomenal too, with over 30,000 scans recorded. Users also spent an average of two minutes in the virtual world of Classmate.